Monday 25 September 2017

Wie hilft mir Dapoxetin bei vorzeitigem Samenerguss?

Dapoxetin ist ein Wirkstoff, der in Medikamenten gegen vorzeitige Ejakulation benutzt wird. Es gehört zur Gruppe der Selektiven Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmern, auch SSRI genannt. Serotonin ist ein Neurotransmitter, es transportiert also Nachrichten vom Gehirn zum Nervensystem. Manchmal kann es vorkommen, dass das Serotonin verfrüht zu den Rezeptoren im Nervensystem gelangt, SSRI verhindert dies und veranlasst, dass die Zellen nur die korrekten Nachrichten verarbeiten. SSRI wird oft in Medikamenten verarbeitet, die gegen Depressionen, Angst- oder Persönlichkeitsstörungen eingenommen werden. Dapoxetin wird auch in Priligy eingetzt, einem Medikament gegen vorzeitige Ejakulation.

Wie behandelt Dapoxetin vorzeitigen Samenerguss?
Eine Ejakulation kann nicht willentlich beeinflusst werden, vielmehr ist es ein Reflex, der durch Nachrichten, die vom Gehirn an die Nervenzellen gesendet werden, beeinflusst wird. Die Nachrichten werden mit Hilfe von Serotonin übermittelt und Dapoxetin verhindert, dass der Neurotransmitter zu schnell von den Rezeptoren im Nervensystem aufgenommen wird. So kann eine Ejakulation um bis zu 300% hinausgezögert werden.

Serotonin wirt auf verschiedene Arten im Körper. So hat es zum Beispiel einen beruhigenden Effekt und ermöglicht es Männern, einfacher zu kontrollieren, wann sie ejakulieren. Wenn der Serotoninspiegel im Körper niedrig ist, wird der Neurotransmitter schneller von den Rezeptoren aufgenommen und die Ejakulation findet früher statt. 

Dapoxetin verbessert außerdem die sexuelle Leistung allgemein. Außerdem ist es sehr gut verträglich und als Nebenwirkung wurde bisher nur von Übelkeit berichtet.

Wer kann Dapoxetin anfordern?
Priligy, welches Dapoxetin enthält, ist ein verschreibungspflichtiges Medikament und wird eingenommen, wenn man unter vorzeitiger Ejakulation leidet. Dapoxetin könnte für Sie geeignet sein, wenn Sie regelmäßig innerhalb von 2 Minuten während des Geschlechtsverkehrs ejakulieren. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie sich einer Online Konsultation unterziehen und dabei wahrheitsgemäße Angaben zu ihrem Gesundheitszustand machen, die dann von einem Arzt überprüft werden. Nur so kann unser Arzt entscheiden, ob es ungefährlich für Sie ist, Priligy (Dapoxetin) einzunehmen.

Friday 20 March 2009

Rimonabant Diet Pill, Now Or Never

Life seldom gives you opportunities. If taken on time, opportunities give maximum benefits. Whenever, opportunities are not utilised on right time, they become either non beneficial or partially beneficial. You are suffering from obesity and your obesity is in its initial phase. That means, you have body mass index between 27 and 30 or slightly over than 30. If your obesity is going through this phase, then you have an opportunity for weight loss. Opportunities rarely have any name, but this time there are two popular names for such an opportunity, Rimonabant or Acomplia. Acomplia is the brand name of the medication while Rimonabant is the name of its active ingredient. Acomplia (Rimonabant), after its launch in the June 2006, has conquered a vast portion of weight loss drug market. This success of Rimonabant is the result of the benefits which it has given to numerous obese individuals in the European countries. After the UK, presently several other European countries are taking the benefits of Acomplia. Germany, Norway, Denmark, Ireland, Finland and Austria are those European nations where Sanofi-Aventis has already launched the sale of Rimonabant pills. Rimonabant blocks the working of cannabinoid receptor type-1. This function of Rimonabant pill has great significance in control of appetite. Cannabinoid type-1 (CB-1) receptors are the messengers of coordination system of the human body. Their working enables the brain to know about various requirements of cells. Excess urge for food and urge for smoking are two harmful signals, which CB-1 receptors transfer to the brain. Regular use of Rimonabant pill keeps working of CB-1 receptors in control. The process not only controls excess urge for food but also the urge for smoking.

As in case of other prescription medications, Rimonabant can also cause some side effects. The side effects related with Rimonabant are rare, mild and temporary. Dizziness, nausea, stomach disorder and muscular cramps are the side effects of Rimonabant weight loss pill. The side-effects are short lived and disappear after the use of medication for a few days. However, if symptoms of side effects persist for long, consult you doctor immediately.Rimonabant has high efficacy, which is around 88% percent. This means 9 out of every 10 Rimonabant users have reduced weight. Whenever doctor prescribes this medication, order Rimonabant online and buy it on cheap rate.

Sunday 15 February 2009

Lose weight with one miracle drug Acomplia

Obesity Treatment Medication Acomplia

Rimonabant acomplia is new slimming drug for the new generation. Approximately two thirds of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, which greatly increases therisk of developing diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease and death from related causes.

A single pill Rimonabant has been found to stop food craving enough to help people lose weight, and could also help curb other unhealthy urges. Named Rimonabant Acomplia the drug in one study helped people who were overweight drop an average of 20 pounds and very useful for the patients who suffer from obesity. Rimonabant Acomplia is made by French firm Sanofi-Synthelabo and the company says it is available now in Europe.
Rimonabant acomplia in clinical test also found to be effective in assisting some smokers to quit smoking. There is a direct relation between obesity and increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and possibly certain cancers, such as breast and colorectal cancer. Increases in body weight lead to changes in blood lipid and cholesterol levels, predisposing to increased risk
of atherosclerosis.

Why Rimonabant Acomplia is Miracle Drug ?
Why Rimonabant Acomoplia is called a Miracle Drug ? Do You know, Rimonabant acomplia helps not only to lose weight as well as to reduce waist size and stop alcoholism also at some extent. Many of Teenagers (especially girls) are afraid to quit smoking as it might increase weight, but Rimonabant acomplia helps you to keep your weight in track for quick weight loss.

Tips for Weight loss and get free from obesity.

1) Don't harm your body. Eat healthy food, Eat more like your ancestors you will be eating food that is better for your body. You will likely lose weight, have more energy and feel great. It has been shown when a group of people stop eating the food that was indigenous to them they start gaining weight and having health problems.
2) When you eat whole foods that are full of nutrients your body will know how much to eat and how much not to eat. You do not have to count calories because your body is a wonderful machine. Eat nutritious food and keep your body fit.
3) Do I really have to exercise? YES! Try to start exercising, make your body work bit more. Increase your physical activity. Most people are over weight because of a lack of physical activity. So, Start walking more, bicycling, walk your pets for longer periods of time, swim, dance and leave the car at home when you can.
4) What is the connection between obesity and diabetes? Obesity increases the risks of a number of chronic health conditions, and diabetes is one of them. People who are more than ten percent overweight increase their risk of developing type 2 diabetes substantially.
5) Limit the sugar treats, butter, oil and oily spicy foods to three times per week maximum. Drink More water, lime juice, slice of lemon and fruit juice.
6) In the crave for a good shaped body, many people start dieting. This causes many harmful diseases like piles/fissure and many kind of skin diseases. One should have a healthy food instead of controlled diet.

Benefits Of Rimonabant Acomplia

  • What Are The Possible Benefits of Rimonabant Accomplia? Studies show that Rimonabant's acomplia benefit is to reduce appetite, and thus help those who use the drug lose weight. There is also hope that Accomplia will help the health of patients in other ways. There is also evidence that it helps with lipid levels (such as cholesterol) in the blood and might help with other metabolism- related health problems, as well as help smokers quite smoking.

  • Weight Loss by Rimonabant acomplia. Tests of Rimonabant acomplia show that patients have lost weight compared to patients not taking the drug. These results have been statistically significant. As a result, the main possible benefit of Rimonabant Accomplia is weight loss.

  • Cardiovascular Risk. Some test results have indicated that Rimonabant Acomplia can directly affect a variety of risk factors for human cardiovascular problems. These include levels of cholesterol and trigylcerides in the blood, insulin, hemoglobin and adinopectin levels. Rimonabant acomplia has been shown in some studies to increase "good" cholesterol. Triglyceride levels have also dropped. "Good" cholesterol levels went up more than 40%, relative to what would be expected from weight loss alone. Other risk factors, such as adinopectin, a protein that interacts with the body's action dependent on insulin, also changed favorably.

  • Smoking - There is some indication from tests that Rimonabant acomplia may help patients quit smoking, as well as assist in preventing weight gain that frequently accompanies successful smoking cessation. "BUT ACOMPLIA RIMONABANT IS NOT YET APPROVED AS SMOKING CESSATION DRUGS"